GAMPRE - SANUS išmanus lietuviškas šiltnamis

About us - UAB „GAMPRE“

From tomatoes that taste like plastic to the royal terrace.

The business idea was born back in 2009 while we were having summer morning breakfast and I was trying to persuade three siblings to eat a tomato (as recommended by nutrition guidelines) – a tomato from a supermarket… As most of you know, they taste of plastic.

We realised that we needed our own, organic and real-tasting vegetables. For this reason we needed a greenhouse. It had to be nice and decorative for our yard (important for the women), as well as long-lasting, resistant to Lithuanian winds and snows, “smart” and not requiring maintenance (masculine logic).

Smart greenhouse SANUS

We assessed the financial possibilities of the then-young family, evaluated the market and unanimously decided to make it by ourselves. Both for ourselves and for others.

And so UAB GAMPRE was born, which is now one of the largest non-industrial greenhouse manufacturers in Lithuania, offering its customers SANUS – designed greenhouses to suit to their individual needs and encouraging Lithuanian residents to forget plastic-tasting tomatoes.

The demand has exceeded expectations and not only Lithuanians but also foreigners fell in love with our greenhouses, so part of the production has now been exported.

More about SANUS greenhouses
Apie mus Gampre įmonė
M2 manufacturing premises
motivated professionals
sales countries

Royal verandas REGIUM

For a cozy life

But this is not the end of the story, as manufacturing company need to constantly develop. Our next step is to offer cosy places (maybe even somewhere to eat tomatoes). The way the idea or terraces and verandas was born. Each product is subject to extraordinary requirements – in addition to aesthetics, we decided to outwit nature: to fight Lithuanian winds and cloudiness.

REGIUM verandas, created by UAB GAMPRE are truly royal, as the most comfortable thing is to take a hot cup of coffee and go barefoot to the place where time stands still to be closer to the nature along with your loved ones. Even in November!

Royal verandas (with full sliding door system, rigid aluminium frame and polycarbonate roof) provide a respite for as long as you need and an understanding that you are the owners of your life (and options).

Learn more about the REGIUM porch
Terasa veranda pritaikyta lietuviškiems orams
GAMPRE - apie mus

Simply smart solution

And what’s next?

Today UAB GAMPRE is a rapidly growing innovative organisation which cooperates with the most famous raw material suppliers and provides its customers with only the highest-quality products. It is a Lithuanian manufacturing company and a family business. The needs of our family are the same as those of many families; we cherish the time spent together, we want to eat more healthily and to live happily ever after. This is why our business is focused not on the numbers but on the sense.

Have we already reached the peak of the Mount Everest? Of course not. But our family is in love with the peaks. It does not matter that we sometimes stumble and that we get tired. We keep on going on. Currently, we are in a new creative phrase. It is time for another product which is intended for humans.

All products

UAB „Gampre” eksporto plėtra

dalyvaujant užsienio parodose

UAB „Gampre“ – viena didžiausių šiltnamių, skirtų namų ūkiui, gamintojų Lietuvoje. Šiuo metu įmonės eksportas sudaro labai nedidelę dalį pardavimo struktūroje, kadangi iki šiol įmonė nesiėmė aktyvių eksporto plėtros veiksmų. Įvertinusi turimą patirtį, jaučiamą susidomėjimą įmonės gaminiais užsienio rinkose, pradėta įgyvendinti projektą „UAB „Gampre” eksporto plėtra, dalyvaujant užsienio parodose“.

Įmonės matomumas

Projekto metu įmonė dalyvaus tarptautinėse užsienio parodose, kurias lanko tiksliniai įmonės klientai ir potencialūs partneriai. Siekiant išnaudoti eksporto rinkų potencialą ir gerokai padinti įmonės eksporto apimtis, numatyta dalyvauti aštuoniose tarptautinėse parodose. Įmonė identifikavo poreikį plėstis jau esamose rinkose ir kartu prisistatyti naujose Švedijos, Vokietijos, Belgijos rinkose.

Projekto įgyvendinimas leis diversifikuoti gaunamas pajamas tiek pagal geografinius regionus, tiek pagal parduodamos produkcijos rūšis.

Sėkmingai įgyvendinti projektą bei plėsti eksporto rinkas padeda finansavimas, skirtas Europos regioninės plėtros fondo, pagal 2014–2020 metų Europos Sąjungos fondų investicijų veiksmų programos 3 prioriteto „Smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo konkurencingumo skatinimas“ priemonę “Naujos galimybės LT”.

Projektui įgyvendinti iš Europos regioninės plėtros fondo skiriamas finansavimas sudarys 43 306 Eur, mažiausiai dar tiek pat lėšų planuoja skirti pati įmonė.

Spoga Gafa, 2019
PL Poznan 2019
Spoga Gafa, 2017 (Germany)